Featured Organizations
There are many organizations in our area that provide a variety of services to homeless, unemployed and very low income individuals and families in our community. Below are some of the organizations and the services they offer.
Supporting these organizations through donations and by volunteering your time is a great way to help.
Porchlight Inc
A second chance. A warm bed. Hope. Opportunity. A helping hand, not a hand out. This is what Porchlight, Inc is all about. Porchlight strives to decrease the Dane County homeless population by providing shelter, housing, supportive services, and a sense of community in ways that empower residents and program participants to positively shape their lives.
Our mission in the community is a challenging one. The cause of homelessness - inadequate job skills, a dire shortage of affordable housing, mental illness, and substance abuse - defy easy solutions. It is only the generous support of the community and the dedication of our staff, Board, and volunteers that make it possible for us to help people overcome homelessness.
As a not-for-profit, volunteer agency, Porchlight provides emergency shelter, food, employment services, counseling, and affordable transitional and permanent housing. Our primary mission is to meet the needs of homeless households in the Madison area through services designed to foster independence and the transition into permanent housing and employment.
Porchlight is a ministry of concerned people committed to ensuring that all residents of Dane County. have a place of shelter, freeing them from the fears and intimidation of living on the streets, and offering them respect and dignity as they search for solutions to their dilemmas.
For more information about Porchlight Inc, Click Here to visit their website.
Interfaith Hospitality Network
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Madison Area serves homeless families by mobilizing religious communities to provide shelter and meals, by working with families to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency and by raising awareness of social justice issues.
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Madison Area is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 to serve homeless families with children.
We are committed to the empowerment and long-term success of children and families, to serving each family with dignity and respect, and to achieving results in helping families improve their lives.
IHN seeks to address the root causes of homelessness and is a leader in the effort to include homeless community members in the search for new solutions.
Interfaith Hospitality Network invites you to the Ruby Slippers Benefit to help raise money for IHN programs such as shelter for homeless families with children, the Second Chance Apartment Project and the Tenant Advocacy Group.
Join Interfaith Hospitality Network at the Monona Terrace Convention Center on Saturday, February 25th for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dessert and coffee, as well as silent and live auctions.
Last year’s benefit helped raise $30,000 to assist IHN programs. For more information and to purchase tickets, please call 294-7998.
For more information about the Interfaith Hospitality Network, Click Here to visit their website.
Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Inc
CAC was founded in Dane County in 1966 as one of over 1,100 similar entities throughout the US working to eliminate poverty.
CAC Mission: To develop economic and social capacities of individuals, families and communities to reduce poverty in Dane, Jefferson and Waukesha Counties.
In 2004, the Family Support Division Provided:
For more information about the Community Action Coalition, Click Here to visit their website.
St Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is one of the oldest charitable organizations in the world, founded in 1833 in France.
Mission: The Society of St Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization in which members join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person services to the needy and suffering - without regard for religious affiliation.
The focus of the local services we provide is summarized by the theme "Helping Our Neighbors in Need". These services include food distribution, provision of housing and direct charity to Dane County families and individuals in need. How We Help / Services Provided:
For more information about St. Vincent de Paul, Click Here to visit their website.
Transition Education Program (TEP)
The Transition Education Program (TEP) is sponsored by the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD).
Mission: To provide homeless children and youth equitable access to educational opportunities afforded "housed" children.
The goal is to have all homeless students meet the high academic, behavioral and attendance expectations of MMSD. Emphasis is placed on overcoming all barriers that prevent homeless children from being successful.Our services include, but are not limited to:
For more information about the TEP program, Click Here to visit their website.
The YWCA of Madison is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1909 as a member of the national YWCA, an autonomous women’s movement. The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women's organization in the world. Across the globe, we have more than 25 million members in 122 countries, including 2 million members in 300 local associations in the United States.
Mission: To empower women and girls and to eliminate racism. Women are empowered and the quality of their lives greatly improved in partnership with the YWCA. As more women find personal strength, together we build a community where diversity and the elimination of discrimination are celebrated and honored.
We are committed to self-determined social change for women of all racial, ethnic and economic groups. The YWCA provides leadership in our community, nation and world in the struggle for peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people. The YWCA of Madison is committed to providing safe, affordable housing for low-income women, emergency shelter for homeless women and families, Racial Justice programming and education and training to ensure economic security for women.
For more information about the YWCA, Click Here to visit their website.
Tenant Resource Center
The Tenant Resource Center is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to promoting positive relations between rental housing consumers and providers throughout Wisconsin.
By providing information and referrals, education about rental rights and responsibilities, and access to conflict resolution, we empower the community to obtain and maintain quality affordable housing.
The Tenant Resource Center offers free counseling for tenants and landlords interested in learning more about their rental rights and responsibilities. Information on state and local rental laws and regulations and lease screening services are available at TRC. We can also refer clients to other agencies when appropriate to assist them with their needs.
The TRC:
For more information about the Tenant Resource Center, Click Here to visit their website.
Middleton Outreach Ministry
Middleton Outreach Ministry (also known as MOM) was founded in 1980 by St. Luke’s Lutheran Church as a ministry to apartment residents who lacked supportive connections within the community.
Over the years our support base and our services have expanded and changed, and we now work ecumenically to provide a broad range of social service assistance to neighbors in need in the Middleton and west Madison areas and as far west as Cross Plains.
In addition to 13 sponsoring churches, MOM is currently supported by more than 200 local businesses and civic groups, and many caring individuals and families. More than 450 volunteers also help with MOM’s numerous programs which are all provided free-of-charge.
100% of MOM’s clients (except the Seniors served by the POP Program) have incomes at or below the Federal Poverty Level, and the majority earn less than 1/3 of that level. Our programs have been highly successful in helping low-income people address their basic needs, while empowering them to change their lives.
Our programs include:
For more information about the Middleton Outreach Ministry, Click Here to visit their website.